This month we don’t have any planets retrograde which means everything will flow nicely. Plus we have a waning moon in Libra. This is a great moon phase because it makes it a great time to start a diet, go under surgery, great time to have a haircut, start an exercise program, detox, treat acne and close any cycles with anyone you need to say goodbye to.
Expect good luck and happiness in love or marriage, accomplishments shared by both of you, favorable both to the couple, and to your partner, who will be doing very well. If you're single and looking for a partner, if your heart is longing for love, in February 2013 you can find what you wish for.
Another way to get into your body is to practice something that requires your full attention, like yoga. Find a few poses that you enjoy and can do, and then see how long you can hold them. Try also to quite your mind when you do this, helping your mind connect to silence. You will find this challenging at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will begin to see that your body tells a story of its own. Each day is a new story too.